There's an old Tom Petty song that says, "The waiting is the hardest part."
Who likes to wait? Anyone?
One of the hardest things for me has been learning how to wait on God. Often my prayers have been boiled down to these words: "Anytime now, God."
I'm so thankful that God is patient with my impatience.
When we wait on God, we can convince ourselves that He is doing nothing. That simply isn't true.
God works in our lives much like a river. From what we see on the surface, the current may appear to be slow... barely even moving. But deep beneath the surface, it’s a different situation altogether. Far beyond what we can see, the current is moving much faster and with incredible power.
We rarely see God moving as quickly and efficiently as we would prefer. Our prayers may not be getting answered in the time frame we put forth. In those circumstances we must remember that even though we may not see it, He is moving in great power and perfection. If we trust His ways (and His timing), He will never disappoint us.
Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. - Hebrews 11:1
The waiting can be the hardest part. But it also is the most important part.